Gold Standard PRE Advanced

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Whether you want to push yourself harder for longer, smash your next set, go bigger and better or ramp up your goals, Gold Standard Pre Workout Advanced will help you reach the pinnacle of your game.


  • 300 mg Caffeine from Natural Sources for advanced energy and focus
  • 6 g Micronized L-Citrulline for intense pumps
  • 3.2 g Beta- Alanine CarnoSyn® to support high performance and endurance, helping you train harder for longer
  • 5 g Micronized Creatine & 1.2 g Creatine Nitrate NO3-T® for strength and power
  • 650 mg Electrolytes for hydration support and to replace minerals lost during sweat


300 mg Caffeine From Natural Sources For Advanced Energy And Focus

The role of caffeine in enhancing performance is well documented as it lowers our perception of fatigue by blocking the action of a neurotransmitter called adenosine, which is involved in promoting sleep. Caffeine consumption at higher levels can support energy and focus, enhancing our physical and cognitive performance as it makes us feel more switched on and energised. Our latest formula contains caffeine from natural sources which are released more gradually into the body, eliminating jitters and avoiding the post workout crash.

6 g L-Citrulline For Intense Pumps

L-Citrulline is a precursor to nitric oxide synthesis, which stimulates circulation in the body. Greater circulation means more oxygen and nutrients being transported to functioning muscle and improved removal of toxins, fuelling a higher intensity performance.

3.2 g Beta- Alanine Carnosyn® To Support High Performance And Endurance

Acids accumulating in the muscle during high intensity exercise can inhibit metabolic processes causing a decrease in function and performance as the muscle starts to fatigue. Beta- Alanine strengthens your intramuscular buffering system, helping to reduce the build-up of these acids in the muscle, allowing you to train at a higher level of performance for longer.

5 g Creatine & 1.2 g Creatine Nitrate NO3-T ® For Enhanced Strength And Power

Highly researched, creatine monohydrate has been shown to support muscle strength and power through increasing phosphocreatine stores in the muscle. This in turn helps your body to produce more ATP, which is a high energy molecule that muscles use as fuel, enhancing your strength and muscular performance. 

650 mg Electrolytes For Hydration Support

During physical activity the wide perception is that electrolytes hydrate, however electrolytes actually help regulate fluid balance in the body and replace minerals lost when we sweat. They can further aid performance by helping with muscle contractions as they assist the body to move nutrients in and out of cells.